Contribute to nikki's Tribute

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Make a Donation

This Tribute is supporting MuchLoved Charitable Trust. If you want to help please make a Donation or consider creating a Fundraising Event. Noahs Ark desperately need funds, we planted a tree at their activity n rememberance garden up malvern hills n unfortunately through lack of funding worcs branch of noahs ark has had to close causing my daughter and me to tell truth heartache for the sake of 30,000/year disgusting the government should fund small important charities like this, my daughter was doimg well until they had to close

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Light a Candle

Light a candle for nikki and leave a message. You can choose from a variety of candles & colours. Your candle will appear in the candles gallery

Add a Gift

Choose a virtual gift to add to nikki's gifts gallery. There are lots of different gifts to choose from and you can add a message to display with your gift.

Add a Story

Contribute to nikki's lifestory and add a memory or anecdote. You can also upload pictures, videos and music to accompany your story.

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